

Please consult the Homepage Fields at the bottom of the Homepage to modify elements of the homepage for the top video, content and the volunteers section (title, content, and volunteers circle image)

The Healthcare Here section can be found in the menus here. Each of these pages has Advanced Display Options which is where you can modify the section title, featured image, content (Homepage Excerpt) and button label (Homepage button label).

To modify the ways to give section on the homepage can be modified on the Ways To Give – Homepage menu here. You can add remove and rearrange each item. As long as a page is tagged as a Way To Give it can be added here. To create or modify a way to give see next section. Ways to Give

Meet The Heroes Section

To edit the homepage list you must go to the Meet The Heroes page (You cannot modify the homepage list through the homepage) it’s on the Meet The Heroes page.

To modify the homepage list scroll to the very bottom of the page and you’ll find the images and their order . To modify the caption click the pencil icon on each image and update the caption. You’ll also need to update the caption on the Meet The Heroes page, so scroll up and find the page content images and edit the caption there as well.

Homepage Promotion Section

To create and schedule a promotion:

  1. In the admin dashboard click on “Posts” (should be near the top of the left hand menu)
  2. Click into the post titled “Promo”. Instead of making a new post each time you want to promote you can just update the content here
  3. Update the heading, copy and button (leave “Promo” title as is – it doesn’t display)
  4. Scroll down and edit the promotion start and promotion end dates
  5. Update to save

Ways to Give

  • To make a way to give you must mark a page as a way to give under the categories option on the right side of the edit page
  • When you set a page as a way to give it will show up on the Ways To Give page. Fill out the Advanced Display Options at the bottom of each page to specify the options for a way to give.
  • To add a ways to give to the homepage you must edit the Ways To Give – Homepage menu
  • Advanced Display Options
  • Title: The title of the Way To Give
  • Link Action: While on the ways to give page if this item will open in a small, large drawer or go to an external link. The external link is the url of the page your editing otherwise it will display this pages content in a small or large drawer.
  • Anchor: Make an anchor for this way to give. I can be anything like the-future or give-monthly
  • Homepage Excerpt: If this item is added to the homepage. This is the small description shown.
  • Homepage Button Label: If on the homepage this is what the button label is
  • Homepage Image: This is the image used if this way to give is put on the homepage
  • Remember: edit the Ways To Give – Homepage menu to add a way to give to the homepage

Donor List

Just like the old site. The list can be modified here /wp-admin/admin.php?page=pods-settings-donor_list

Donor Wall

Please contact Tenzing Support

Calendar and Events

Help for the The Event Calendar Plugin can be found using the link below:

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